Kirby Kreations

Browsing through a box of old comic books recently, I realized they were all from the mid-70’s, when I was in college. I had next to no spending cash, so even at 25¢ each, I was very selective in my purchases.

Yet the undeniable reality is that most of them are awful. Even if the art was worth the price of the comic, as was the case with Gene Colan’s Tomb of Dracula, the writing and ideas were mostly junk, compared to what I had read in the 60’s, into the first couple of years in the 70’s. These were the comics that Stephen Colbert grew up reading??

Even the creative legend Jack Kirby began turning out work that could be called eccentric to the point of being incomprehensible. One such example was “The Dingbats of Danger Street,” from 1975.

Dingbats of Danger Street splash page

I’m second to nobody in my admiration of Jack Kirby, but he needed an editor and a dialogue writer, although I suspect nothing could have saved this clunker. Kirby drew three issues, but DC published only one of them.

No wonder the Marvel Comics adaptation of Star Wars, which started months before the movie’s release, seemed so good, despite mediocre art. I hadn’t read a good story in years.

PT cruiser

Are you scared yet, or still merely worried, about the economy? The effects of the stock market collapse, credit crunch and mortgage meltdown are everywhere. The only upside is gas prices are down.

The good news for myself is that I’m in physical therapy for the meltdown of my back, and although I still have some tightness, I’m completely free of pain. I went for a 2-mile walk with Carol today, then I ran two miles. Three weeks ago I couldn’t get out of bed or take a step, and now I feel as though nothing was ever wrong!

But I can’t go back to what I was doing, which was some light stretching before heading out the door to bang out ten miles on the pavement. My PT is teaching me how to strengthen my lower back, while getting a good warm up for running in the process.

Beam me up, K3!

One of the K3 tunes that seems to come across particularly well live is “Tele-Romeo,” where they sing “Hello, Hello.” Here’s the very amusing (well, I think so) studio video, with the girls mooning over some astronaut — wearing a motorcycle helmet! — who’s not on the Moon, but…. Mars, maybe? It even opens with Star Trek sound effects.

[flv: 480 360]

Campaign Trains of Thought

This was sent around at work today…

Campaign Trains

… but this news item isn’t funny.

A sense of grievance spilling into rage has gripped some GOP events this week as McCain supporters see his presidential campaign lag against Obama. Some in the audience are making it personal, against the Democrat. Shouts of “traitor,” “terrorist,” “treason,” “liar,” and even “off with his head” have rung from the crowd at McCain and Sarah Palin rallies, and gone unchallenged by them.

These people are coming from the same trains of thought that created Timothy McVey. Fox News and Rush Limbaugh can blame themselves for helping to fan these flames of hatred.