Titanic News

Sarah Palin Newsweek coverThe Fox News folks are upset over the unflattering photo of Sarah Palin on the cover of Newsweek. But what interested me the most in this week’s issue is the story of why the Titanic sank faster than McCain’s campaign is sinking now.

“It was negligence: the ship’s builders suspected that the ship’s hull was too flimsy, but they overrode the concerns of their engineer in a bid to get the Titanic on the seas in time.”

K3 Surfaces

As much as everybody loves to argue about politics, I sense weariness as we head into the final month before election day. So during the ongoing economic meltdown, K3 is back to cheer us all up! This one’s called “See Me Happy.”

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2008/OCT/K3Ziemegraag.flv 440 330]

Now here’s one heck of a photo of Kristel that’s just begging for a caption…

Kristel Verbeke, 2008 Zomerfestival

Special Guest Post: Paul Howley on TV

Coming up on Saturday, October 25th, 48 Hours|Mystery will feature the unsolved murder of Dr. Linda Goudey. As explained a while ago, Carol and I helped CBS News with the background research. Paul Howley has that beat. He’s going to appear on a TV show:

We’ve had an interesting and fun few days with our daughter, Cassy. Cassy got a phone call from one of her agents, offering her a job, acting in an “infomercial.” For those who don’t watch much television, an infomercial is a commercial that is disguised as an actual entertainment program that contains a sales-pitch for some product…in this case it was for a hair straightening appliance.

Cassy accepted the assignment and thanked the agent for the job. Cassy mentioned that she hoped this was just the beginning of a good relationship with this agent. The agent expressed surprise that her office hadn’t gotten her any other jobs before and promised to be thinking of Cassy a bit more when possible acting jobs came up. About two minutes later, another employee from the same agency called and offered Cassy a job as an “extra” on the hit TV show “Burn Notice.” (“Burn Notice” is an action-adventure-spy show that stars Jeffrey Donovan and Bruce Campbell, broadcast on USA Network at 9 pm on Thursdays.) This show was filming in Miami on Monday and the infomercial was going to be filmed in Coral Springs the next day.

Since Cassy was required to be at the filming location (a public park in Miami) by 6:30 in the morning (and we live about 2 hours away) we decided that we’d book a hotel about one mile away from the location and after Cassy got out of work (she works at a restaurant) at 8pm on Sunday, we drove to Miami. Cassy’s husband, Tom, was happy that we could go with Cassy because he couldn’t get time off from his job to go with her.

When we arrived, Cassy checked in with the production guy. Mal and I explained to him that we reaaally enjoyed “Burn Notice” and we had hoped that we’d be allowed to watch as Cassy worked on the set. He told us to wait around for a few minutes and when he returned he asked if Mal and I would be interested in being “extras” also. We’d each get paid $100 and we’d be right in the same area as Cassy, so we agreed to do it. We certainly had no intention of asking to be hired as an “extra” so we wore our normal clothes. Mal looked nice (as usual) but I was wearing a dark t-shirt and blue jeans (also as usual). The wardrobe supervisor approved of Mal’s clothes but there was a definite restriction…no blue jeans or dark colored t-shirts. Since the TV show takes place in Miami, the producers want “Florida” colors. She sent me to the wardrobe trailer to get more a more appropriate shirt. She’d make an exception for me so I could wear my blue-jeans. They gave me a hideous, faded yellow t-shirt with a Jamaica Yacht Club logo and palm trees on it. Really not my style.

Continue reading Special Guest Post: Paul Howley on TV

Obama youth group ‘threat’ is BS

OK, let’s get this over and done with. It seems some stupid middle school teacher in Missouri, whose name has not yet been revealed, organized a sort of youth support group for Obama back in May. And now video of black boys marching and reciting in paramilitary style, claiming inspiration from Obama, has shown up on YouTube.

McCain supporters are, of course, implying that this pseudo-fascist youth group is not only officially sanctioned by Obama, it evokes memories of the Black Panther party in the sixties and hints at the horrors to come under Barack’s regime. Reports indicate that these boys attend some sort of charter school, and the teacher who was inspired to direct this insipid display has been suspended.

Can we please get a grip here, people? We don’t have the whole story yet, but we know Obama had nothing to do with this, other than being a role model in the eyes of some middle school teacher. Are you really scared of a bunch of black kids chanting “yes we can” about career goals, like the old “I am somebody” campaign of Jesse Jackson?