Paul Howley’s Life In Comics

The comments by “paul” you sometimes see here on DogRat are from Paul Howley, the owner of That’s Entertainment, the biggest and best comic book store in Massachusetts. In fact, Paul has twice won the Eisner Award for excellence in comics retailing.

That\'s Entertainment, Worcester, MA

Paul HowleyI met Paul Howley when I was in college, but not as a fellow comic book fan and collector. It was during the time in my life when I considered myself to be a Born Again Christian.

Paul was a member of The Freedom Farm in Bolton, MA, a meeting place for young Christians, and that was where we were introduced, during my freshman year of college. A friend who knew about my hobby pulled me over and said, “You’ve got to meet Paul. He’s really into comic books too.” Paul has no recollection of this, but that’s perfectly understandable, as he and his wife were regulars — they even lived there for a while — and I was just one of a lot of new faces.

Paul and I graduated from our respective high schools the same year, but we took very different paths in life. My entire focus after high school was to put myself through college in four straight years, and that was what I did. When Paul got out of high school he married his girlfriend, and with a loan from his parents he bought a house! Talk about getting a jump start on real life. I didn’t buy my first house until I was 32.

While in high school, on my own I started attending a Lutheran church. In college I hooked up with the Christian fellowship group, which was dominated by Campus Crusade for Christ. CCC was, and I assume still is, a very conservative group. I was even told that the “competing” campus organization, Intervarsity, represented at another school, was too liberal.

A student leader, representing the interests of Campus Crusade, visited me in my dorm room, and he spotted my comic books. One title in particular caught his attention — Tomb of Dracula, illustrated by one of my favorite artists, Gene Colan. This panel, from issue #16, concerned him.

Tomb of Dracula #16, page 23

“This is of Satan,” I was told. “You must give up comic books.” Good thing I didn’t have any EC horror comics from the 50’s in my room! Gene Colan’s corpse was rather tame compared to a ghastly Graham Ingels drawing.

I’m so opinionated and pig-headed, it’s difficult for me to comprehend how I could have been so impressionable and easily influenced back then, but I was. So I gave up buying comics. I was busy with many other things in my life, and money was short anyway, but in fact I was worried that I was under the influence of Satan. And then I met Paul.

At one of the Freedom Farm get-togethers I told Paul what I’d been told about comics by the Campus Crusade guy. Paul did a double take, and with an expression that can best be described as the way Seinfeld looks when hearing something incredibly stupid, he said the idea that comic books were of Satan was ridiculous. Paul saw absolutely no conflict between being a Christian and being a comic book fan. That was exactly what I needed to hear, and I went back to reading and buying comic books. Soon afterward I starting hanging out with my best pal, D.F. Rogers, and that was that.

Many years later, ten years ago, Paul brought Gene Colan to That’s Entertainment, and I was able to meet Gene and his wife Adrienne. I was unable to attend their next visit, because I was recovering from my eye surgeries for a detached retina. A few years ago, Eric met his favorite comic strip cartoonist at That’s Entertainment — Bill Griffith, who does Zippy the Pinhead.

Paul Howley is an entrepreneur who has succeeded doing something he enjoys. I admire that greatly. Being an independent businessman, Paul is, understandably, a Republican, while I’m a high tech salaryman Democrat. We’ve both had our ups and downs in life, but Paul and his wife have suffered the loss of their son, and my heart goes out to them.

Paul’s autobiography, told with honesty and candor, is available on his eBay blog. The earliest entry is part 9, but the first eight parts can be found on the store’s Web site. It may not be apparent, because I write mostly about my interests, and not much about my personal life, but reading “Paul Howley’s Life in Comics” was a big influence on my decision to start blogging two years ago, so that’s another reason for me to thank him.

Coming up next: Paul Howley’s TV Adventure!

W3 is not K3

Tell me what’s wrong with this picture? And I don’t mean the lack of a poster picture for the video. Click and watch, and if you’re with me at all about K3, I hope you have the same reaction I did.

[flv: 448 253]

K3, loud and soft

I lied! Here’s more with K3. First, there’s an amateur view of the ladies waving bye-bye at the big, splashy Studio 100 Summer Festival in Holland, taking Mega Mindy with them up the stairs.

[flv: 440 330]

“K3 10 Years,” but for me it’s only been four months. At first I wondered why they always use large, handheld microphones instead of small headsets. The mics must constrain the choreography, but after thinking about it I realized they reinforce who’s singing.

And here is a real treat. K3 shining in a smaller, quieter setting. If, after seeing this warm and winning performance, you still aren’t sold on K3, I give up. (Sorry, there’s nothing I can do about the video compression glitches.)

[flv: 512 288]

I won’t speculate if Karen, Kristel and Kathleen could match Petula Clark as solo performers. That would be a totally unfair comparison. My feeling is that K3 is/are, like other groups I appreciate, being much more than the sum of their parts. And I have no complaints about the parts! 😉

K3 in 2008 Summer Festival Outfits

Studio 100 ZomerFestival

2008 Zomer Festival poster

You missed it! I missed it too. I’m speaking, of course, of Studio 100’s Summer Festival at the Ahoy Rotterdam stadium, Netherlands, this past June. But thankfully we can watch some video highlights, including K3 and Mega Mindy sharing the stage. It just doesn’t get any better than that!

[flv: 512 288]

Look at all of those adorable little Mega Mindys! But why not more of Mindy herself in the video? Maybe she had to get back to Plopsaland in Belgium to capture some crooks. Why would anybody NOT want to be caught by Mega Mindy??

[flv: 512 288]

This will be it for a while before I post more about K3, girl group extraordinaire. Thank you for your indulgence.

K3 at 2008 Zomerfest

Oxi Fresh, Baby

The local paper had an item about the economy tanking, with a one-man carpet cleaning operation cited as an example. By coincidence a postcard came in the mail for a carpet cleaning franchise called OxiFresh.

OxiFresh postcard

Carol was really amused by this, and she had the following observations, which I admit didn’t occur to me.

  1. The woman is 40-ish
  2. The woman looks pregnant.
  3. The baby is under a year old.
  4. The baby appears to be gigantic.

Taking the techie point of view, I’m assuming Photoshop was used. One has to wonder who approved the picture. A pregnant 40-year-old woman whose baby is only crawling age?