Is Astrid in AHDN?

It’s long been the assertion of D.F. Rogers that Astrid Kirchherr makes a brief appearance in A Hard Day’s Night with John Lennon during the discotheque scene. I’ve spliced it together, omitting the parallel sequence with Paul’s grandfather gambling, in a James Bond parody, with Prue Bury’s future husband, Terry Hooper, playing the croupier. I’ll post that later.
[flv: 480 360]

2 thoughts on “Is Astrid in AHDN?”

  1. I Wanna Be at that Party! Say! Is that CAROL dancing with George at 31 seconds? or Pru? Sure looks like Carol to me. 😉 Paul sits out most of the dances, so I’m guessing the “bird” he’s with is Jane.

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