He’s dead, Jim

Mr. D.F. Rogers wrote to ask…

Is DogRat Dead?

And this was my reply…

No, Denny, the blog is not dead, but putting the Storage Area Network back together at work has been the only thing on my mind for a week now. Today I went through one of the most stressful experiences of my career. The day started at 7am, and I’m totally wiped. I managed to get something working that was completely broken, that absolutely *had* to be working at 1pm, and I did it with only three minutes to spare. Talk about stress. I don’t have the spare brain cells to even think about blogging. It’s just not on my mind right now.

7 thoughts on “He’s dead, Jim”

  1. Hi Doug! I hadn’t been able to check out your blog recently as much as I’d like but it sounds like you’ve been one busy young man. Hang in there and know we love ya!

  2. Not unlike getting the Enterprise out of a tight spot three minutes before the self-destruct sequence was scheduled to trigger! Glad you got to see the movie yesterday.

  3. Thank you for the support, everybody! SamJay has first-hand knowledge of what’s been going on. It should be over soon, and I’ll try to get things back to the usual routine.

  4. Aren’t you supposed to post a picture of a Campbell’s Soup can? Oh wait, that’s Evanier!

  5. Doug,
    I feel the same way as Cactus Lizzie…I really enjoy your blog, but I can wait until you are fully ready to start blogging again…hopefully when your real life schedule eases up a bit. …Paul

  6. P.S. After the horror is over, feel free to inundate us with K3! We’re all in withdrawal! Or Petula, whichever! 😉

  7. I’m certain that I speak for more people than just myself in wishing you strength and stamina, Doug, to persevere at work during these challenges. Sometimes, when it rains it pours, so to speak, and it sure sounds like you’re in the middle of one of those “aguaceras” (mountains of water) right now. We will wait patiently for the sun to come out again, as it eventually always does.

    Doug, we are grateful for the fun and intellectual stimulation that your blog has brought to us. We know how hard you have worked on this blog, with TLC. We recognize your clever puns and quips to make things entertaining for us, even though we may not always acknowledge it specifically on a regular basis. And we appreciate how you have worked to keep your blog a safe site to use.

    Good luck! We look forward to your return, whenever that might be.

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