She’s not bionic after all

As my sister Jean will corroborate with sarcastic glee, as a young man a secret shame of mine was “The Bionic Woman.” Today, I had the pleasure of saying hi to Lindsay Wagner.

Lindsay Wagner

Lindsay put a lot into making “The Bionic Woman” more than just a spin-off of “The Six Million Dollar Man,” and for her efforts she won an Emmy. Ostensibly a kid’s show, there was plenty in there to keep college boys like me watching, as seen in this video that a Lindsay fan put on YouTube. You’ll see scenes from a beauty pageant, and you’ll find the complete episode below.

Lindsay is an advocate of homeopathic health, and she holds seminars and workshops as part of a program she calls “Quiet the Mind, and Open the Heart.” Here is part of a recent conversation with Lindsay.

Ellie Drake-Bionic Woman of Healing Lindsay Wagner Pt 2
by BraveHeartWomen

There isn’t a DVD set of “The Bionic Woman” in America yet, although Linsday says it’s been released in England and elsewhere in Europe. She was surprised to learn today that some of the shows are available on Hulu. Here’s the beauty pageant episode.

7 thoughts on “She’s not bionic after all”

  1. Talk about short-term memory loss, I even commented on your post! Aging ain’t for sissies, bro. 😉

  2. Peter had cancer? I had no idea! Glad to hear he’s doing better. Is that Dee Brunelle posting? 😉

  3. From where I was sitting in the back, I thought it looked pretty full in there. I was the one who asked Lindsay if she would have taken the role if she’d had to wear a costume like Lynda Carter, or been one of three women, like “Charlie’s Angels.”

  4. I saw her too! She was just wonderful. I loved the Bionic Woman growing up. I was surprised how empty the room was for her question and answer.

  5. Denro and I were at a media show. Peter Tork — who told me he’s feeling fine since his cancer treatment earlier this year — performed on stage, playing great guitar and banjo, and he was joined for one set by Mickey Dolenz, whose vocal chops are in fine shape.

  6. WELL?!??! Where WERE you last night? Was Denro there, too? Lindsay still looks lovely to me. Obviously the homeopathic “path” has kept her very healthy. Got any more celeb photos?

    I got a jolt today when they said it was the 46th anniversary of JFK’s assassination. That’s nearly 50 years ago, and we can remember it clearly!

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