Oil spill on the White House

It must be tough for conservatives to lambaste President Obama for failing to take the lead in the Gulf Coast oil leak crisis, because doing that is tantamount to saying there needs to be more industry regulation and oversight by the government. But they’re right. There may not be much the feds can do to help BP cap the pipe, but Obama’s people should be much more involved with efforts to save the coast.

Conservatives can’t say that pundits on the left are giving Obama a free ride on the situation. Keith Olbermann certainly isn’t.

7 thoughts on “Oil spill on the White House”

  1. I predict that this is going to be one of the worst ecological disasters in history, bar none. Everybody is running around like chickens with their heads cut off, and nothing is getting fixed. Every “quick fix” effort has failed. Once hurricane season kicks in, oops, it already has, and the oil gets driven inland, it will ruin all seafront property BIGTIME. I’m THISCLOSE to screaming “somebody blew up that rig on purpose.” But you know me, I don’t trust anybody in government anymore, not even the president.

  2. I haven’t asked my oil-business friend about the top-kill yet. He did tell me that there are thousands of wells off-shore where there have been no problems like this so he’s hoping common sense is used. When a plane crashes, we don’t stop flying. When a car crashes, we don’t stop driving. This is a real mess, but we still need oil until we can come up with alternatives.

  3. Does your friend think the “top kill” is working? We’re in a 24-48 hour window of waiting, but the rumored inside scoop is the so-called “mud” is being pushed back out, and they’re just watching to see if the attempt is a complete loss.

  4. My closest friend is a geo-physicist and works for a major oil company, mostly in the exploration side…he claims that the regulations (mostly environmental concerns) are overwhelming. President Obama and his controllers (George Soros…Democrat’s version of Karl Rove) are more interested in power and redistribution of wealth than what is good for America. This mental-case spending is unsustainable. (by the way…it’s pretty sad that Barney Frank has been put in charge of financial reform! Putting the fox in charge of the henhouse…)
    I obviously couldn’t vote in Massachusetts since I’m not a resident there anymore…but Scott Brown is most likely better than Martha Coakly ever would have been… I still say…Vote them ALL out.

  5. Doug,
    Other than the health care/insurance industry, the oil business is one of the most heavily regulated businesses in America. (this doesn’t mean that further regulation or oversight isn’t needed) But…no matter how much regulation is put on any company, there are bound to be (rare) accidents like this oil spill. It’s a terrible disaster…but the government has no better ability to stop this nightmare. They have no better “plans” than BP has…that’s probably WHY Obama has kept away from taking over this…it would then be his “Katrina.” It serves his extremist agenda better to be able to blame BP. Already, the Democrats have proposed TRIPLING the tax on gasoline that is set aside for these eventual accidents. Of course, this will all be passed on to the taxpayer in the form of higher gas prices no matter what stupid Harry Reid insists. He actually said that no taxpayer will pay for this cleanup. Oh really moron? So you think BP will just magically absorb the cost of this cleanup and it won’t get passed on to the consumer? Idiots.

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