An Affair to Remember

Kennedy lost California to Nixon in 1960. He was in the lead until the absentee ballots were counted. (Republicans presumably like mail-in ballots when they’re counted in their favor.) But perhaps JFK’s loss wasn’t all that surprising, considering this less than forceful commercial.

JFK won the White House even without California, of course, and once in the highest office of the land he continued his philandering ways. Political affairs of the intimate sort don’t concern me. We’d have been better off if Clinton and Monica had never come to light. Trump and Stormy Daniels was unimportant, but the bribe wasn’t. I never had more than a passing curiosity about JFK’s mistresses, until his mystery girlfriend Mimi came forward to tell her story.

Mimi Beardsley
Mimi Alford, née Beardsley

Mimi was the exception to the glamorous women who are usually associated with Kennedy’s affairs, and that was what made her interesting to me. A virgin in every sense, Mimi met Kennedy shortly after starting as a White House intern. Mimi’s memoir was published ten years ago, and if WordPress is cooperating with your browser you should be able to read this embedded preview.

Some reader comments on Amazon are sympathetic, while others express outrage, and they condemn Mimi with righteous holier-than-thou moral judgment. In the same manner that Newt Gingrich denounced Bill Clinton for his affair with Monica… while carrying on his own illicit affair. Newt’s hypocrisy was what made his private life a public concern.

Kennedy’s ability to compartmentalize his life was something that Mimi picked up to rationalize what she was doing. Whether it was hollow flattery to control a girl half his age, or sincere compliments for someone he genuinely cared for, Kennedy made Mimi feel special and appreciated. Listening to records together and giving each other silly little gifts are things I can’t imagine Kennedy doing with his more worldly girlfriends.

Having read Mimi’s memoir, something I can easily imagine is how pleased JFK was to meet Dianne, the eldest Lennon sister. It’s safe to assume that Kennedy was smitten, but Dee Dee got married just a few weeks before the ’60 election.

One thought on “An Affair to Remember”

  1. Yes! Yet another naive intern in the Kennedy stable. I’ve downloaded it into my queue. I may get to it by April, since there are five ahead of it. Wow, she’s a looker.

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