Seduction of the Gullible

The closest thing to TCM on broadcast TV is the Movies! TV Network. Here in Boston it’s found on standard definition sub-channel 17-2. The station recently showed While the City Sleeps (1956), directed by Fritz Lang. On TCM the movie comes without commercials and with Eddie Muller’s always inciteful and enlightening commentary.

Estes Kefauver was a politician with Presidential aspirations, whose Senate committee on organized crime was depicted in The Godfather Part II.

Kefauver saw a connection between organized crime and juvenile delinquency, which the notorious Dr. Frederick Wertham insisted had a direct correlation to kids reading comic books. Which of course it didn’t. This clip is from a TV show that was directed by Irvin Kershner, the director of the first Star Wars sequel, The Empire Strikes Back.

By the way, the comic book killer in the movie was played by Drew Barrymore’s dad.

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