Stapp’s Straps

Jack Kirby was born on this day in 1917. The late-50’s comic strip Sky Masters of the Space Force was superbly illustrated by Jack, with perfectly complementary inking by Wally Wood. Note: Kirby/Wood refers to writer Dave Wood, not the unrelated Wally.

The last panel in that strip reminds me of the famous rocket sled tests performed by Dr. John Stapp.

John Stapp (1910-1999)

Stapp’s groundbreaking Air Force work, testing the limits of human endurance under extreme conditions, was nothing like the ghoulishly criminal experiments conducted by the Nazis. Stapp was entirely practical in considering the effects of supersonic flight on pilots, and his data was invaluable when the manned space program began. The 3-point lap belt for cars came from Stapp’s research. The PBS series American Experience profiled Stapp in its “Space Men” documentary.

Spaaaaaaaaaaaace Forrrrrrrrrrce!
Art by Jack Kirby and Wally Wood
Color Guide, watercolor on photostat of original art

2 thoughts on “Stapp’s Straps”

  1. imo that is the best-inked kirby ever. there are single pg art by both b smith & b everett that killed me & of course your guy who was certainly his best comic book inker. i canimagine my team supreme jk/bw.

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