Shielding Stephen Colbert

It’s no surprise to this old comic book fan that the death of Captain America wouldn’t last very long. There’s a new hero in action, taking Cap’s place. But what of the indestructible shield that belonged to the original Captain America? Isn’t it now in the possession of none other than Stephen Colbert?
[flv:/Video/2008/JAN/ColbertMarvel.flv 440 330]

2 thoughts on “Shielding Stephen Colbert”

  1. I thought the best part of the show was Stewart and Colbert pursuing the Conan “war”… not because it was uproariously funny, but because it was such an honest assessment of the real situation… “Now Conan can answer the challenge so we can kill time on all THREE of our shows!”

  2. “OH … MY … GOD!” Nobody says that with more sincerity than Stephen Colbert. LOL I imagine the rest of the show wasn’t that funny. Tom said yesterday morning that he couldn’t sleep and watched Conan O’Brien. He complained that it “stunk.” He was amazed, because “Conan is ALWAYS funny!” I said “didn’t you hear about the writers’ strike?” He said no! Truthfully, we only watch The History Channel, Discovery, and National Geographic!

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