Yay. The $20 rebate for my 2GB flash drive is finally here, so the final cost is $50. This takes just a teeny, tiny bit of the sting out of the $1100 it cost to put a catalytic converter and oxygen sensor in my ’98 Accord.
The new SanDisk drives include a system called U3, which is one of several competing systems for loading applications off of flash memory. At first I was wary of it, but I’ve decided my concerns were unfounded and now I’m excited about its potential.
Here’s a screen shot of the U3 Launchpad, with my selection of applications. The Filezilla file transfer program is very good, and I use it to push big files up to this blog. And I really like the design of the Essential Personal Information Manager. It has a great little graphical HTML editor.
Maybe I should have made a comment pop up when you tried to click on it. That’s what I did here.
One more comment! If you could just COMBINE the Sans Drive wtih the catalytic converter, and create a working HYBRID, wouldn’t that be something?
Out of habit, I tried to click the “Help and Support” button! REALLY! HA! Old habits die hard.