Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts

There’s a lot of Old Time Radio available for free listening online. One of the many sites offering OTR shows is, which is where I found this complete 1949 installment of Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts. It’s particularly interesting for who appears at 17 minutes into the program. He was 24 years old, and yet he’s introduced by his Jewish mother.


I watched Ted Mack’s Original Amateur Hour on CBS TV in the 60’s. Today, of course, the format is back as American Idol, etc.

3 thoughts on “Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts”

  1. Lenny Bruce’s “Biography” on the Bio channel talked about how he changed his humor to the raunchy stuff. He seemed to really wig out as he got older. Trumpeter Jack Sheldon who was featured in Merv Griffin’s talk show band said one time he visited Lenny Bruce and he, ahem, “offered” Jack the “services” of his wife, and Jack being as wild as he was accepted and he said Lenny sat and observed them. EWW! So you know none of them were playing with a full deck! It’s something I could only imagine what Arthur Godfrey would’ve thought about, and it’s hard to believe Lenny Bruce was on his show, albeit at a young age. His mother was a character too.

  2. Was this Bruce’s actually debut on any form of media? His MOMMY introduced him! What a hoot, considering how foul-mouthed he became later. Amazing find, Dougie! But then, if you want to hear or read the best, ya gotta read 😉

  3. That’s pretty neat, Doug! I had to let it limp along the first time through, then it played at proper speed the second time. Such is the nature of dial-up. There were two winners on that show, and of the two I like Mr. Conley (the singer) best. Thought the baby piano trio was pretty good, too. I’ve never been crazy about Lenny Bruce — at least he kept his mouth clean for that program (who knows what he was saying in German, though…) As always, loved Arthur’s quaint humor. That Sir Lipton outfit must have been a riot — I’m trying to envision Arthur in that get-up! Wish I could have seen that!

    Thanks for posting this. I got a real kick out of it.

    — Jan

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