Glicknicks Mourn

Today there is the sad news for longtime Bostonians that Larry Glick has died. For many years Glick was WBZ 1030’s overnight radio man.

Glick was the inspiration for ‘BZ’s recently fired-and-rehired overnight personality, Steve LeVeille. Steve would have Glick on his show every so often by telephone, and I expect LeVeille will devote a lot of time next week to talking about his idol.

One thought on “Glicknicks Mourn”

  1. Here’s the comment I left after the first obit link:

    Remember how he opened the show with the last few phrases of “Strangers in the Night” by Frankie? and he’d sing the “Doobie do do do part?” Loved it! and yes, I still find myself singing that “254-5678” after nearly 40 years. Even when he read the sports scores, it was fun. He’d end them with that little “shave and a haircut” riff of his. And God bless “Muck” Myer. Is he still with us? How about those really scary “Drop Dead” tapes he played every Halloween? They scared me to death, especially the story about the creepy gas that turned people inside out. Another fave was the “Gunga Din” bit. I’d laff till I couldn’t breathe! Rest in peace, beloved old pal.

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