Does Whatever a Spider Can …


I continue to appreciate the previously-mentioned reprints of classic Spider-Man comic books that are found in some Sunday papers. I hope that Smart Source will continue to distribute them.

Above are a couple of panels I scanned from this week’s installment. They’re good, but far from the best, examples of artist Steve Ditko’s uniquely compelling approach to drawing the human figure in motion.

5 thoughts on “Does Whatever a Spider Can …”

  1. A scan of the picture that D.F. Rogers describes can be seen by
    clicking here
    . It’s impressive how good modern printing quality is, but the image is a total turn-off.

    And not to sound too much like a fanboy, the artist seems to be relying a bit on Barry Smith for inspiration, and Cap’s foreshortened arm and hand, as well as the prone Iron Man figure, are borrowed from Gil Kane.

  2. In the latest installment, they have a full page ad for one of the latest Marvel titles. A pumped-up and battle bruised Captain America stands menacingly over a defeated Iron Man, laying on his back with his chest plate on fire. It’s kind of scary. I wonder what people think when comparing it to the 60’s Spider-Man? Is the intent is to get people to buy a NEW Marvel Comic because they like the story in the Spider-Man giveaway? Modern comics bear very little resemblance to the wonderful reprinted stories. Production values and coloring have vastly improved – but the art and story-lines have little in common with the Stan Lee and Steve Ditko days.

  3. I have zero interest in anything new. I enjoy the old stuff, because I feel it’s the best. I began to get turned off when Frank Miller’s “Dark Knight” version of Batman came out 20 years ago.

    Syndicated comic strips are dead, but not yet gone. There’s no way to make money doing them anymore.

  4. Say, it looks like you’ve regained your interest in comic books, Dougie! I know you said you had only a fraction of your original collection left. I still wish you would try to get Jeanie Beanie or something else syndicated. You have so much talent! I helped teach in Molly’s library last week and was asked to draw a turkey. The main librarian kept showing it to all the teachers as they came up to get their kids af the end of their classes: “Look! She just whipped this off in two seconds!” I kept telling them how YOU were much better!

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