A Month for Bugs

It was bad enough when the 1960’s was 50 years ago, but 60?? In June, 1962, unknown to me as a little boy in Wisconsin, Amazing Fantasy #15 was on newsstands, featuring the first appearance of Spider-Man.

Original, unpublished cover by Steve Ditko for Amazing Fantasy #15

Also that month, 60 years ago today, in fact, was B-Day. The Beatles had their first recording session with George Martin at EMI. John, Paul, and George, with Pete Best on drums.


Recording ‘From Me to You’ March 5, 1963



Blog Post Extra: Someone has pegged the distribution date of Amazing Fantasy #15 as June 5, 1962, 60 years ago yesterday. Also released that day was the debut of another Marvel Comics Group bug, in the person of Ant-Man.


2 thoughts on “A Month for Bugs”

  1. Somehow I had forgotten you lived in Wisconsin?? Seems I must have been following you around — lived there in the end of the 60’s, then CT until college, then MA.

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