Even SteVphen

Click picture to watch YouTube™ video

I confess to being late coming to the fold of Stephen Colbert fans.  It was an article in Newsweek early this year that brought him to my attention.

Before getting his own show, Colbert was, of course, on The Daily Show.  Steve Carell (who, by coincidence, graduated from the same high school that I did in Massachusetts*) was also on the show, but he left to join the cast of The Office.

Lately Jon Stewart, perhaps feeling nostalgic for the good old days, has been running clips of Steven and Stephen in action together.  Click the picture to watch.  Some of this is outright hilarious comedic acting.

*Acton-Boxborough Regional High School

This Week’s Comics

Lately, the fun in the Sunday comics hasn’t been in the strips, which are mostly mediocre, but with a comic-book that’s being inserted with the flyers.  It features reprints of the earliest Spider-Man stories by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.

Each comic is 16 pages total, the printing quality is excellent and, hey, they’re free!  This nifty promotion is from SmartSource, the coupon distributor.  To see a list of all the participating newspapers, click here.

Saved by Westfield State College

More news from the little college that could in Western Massachusetts — Westfield State. When I went there, the name Dr. Phil referred to Phil Shepardson, in the English Department. He ran the media program, and I have him to thank for my stint in the radio business. The news director at the local commercial station had talked to Shepardson, who recommended me for an internship, and I was in. Before the internship had ended I was offered a job, and that was that.

Dr. Phil, who was considered by all to be a very cool professor, had written his PhD thesis on the work of Paddy Chayefsky. He hosted a TV show on the local NBC affiliate, where high schools from throughout the region competed in a weekly quiz show called, “As Schools Match Wits.” Watching it was a Saturday night ritual on campus, even for those bent on getting bent. Shepardson left the show about 15 years ago, but it continued with a new host.

Recently, my old buddy Mike Dobbs reported that after 46 years “As Schools Match Wits” was axed from the schedule. But now there’s word that Westfield State College is involved with efforts to save the show. In this big, bad old scary world, I consider this to be something nice. I hope they pull it off.

    Quiz show broadcasts to continue

    Thursday, October 12, 2006
    The show pits local high schools against each other in tests of knowledge.

    SPRINGFIELD – “As Schools Match Wits,” the long-running local quiz show that was set for cancellation, has been rescued by a partnership of two local television stations and a college.

    Under an agreement among WWLP-TV, WGBY-TV and Westfield State College, the high school quiz show, which has been on the air locally since 1962, may be back on the air in January. The show pits local high schools against each other in tests of knowledge. The range of questions may take in everything from Civil War battles to the music of Mozart.

    WWLP-TV canceled the show due to increased costs of providing closed captioning for the hearing-impaired for all programming.

    Disappointed by the decision, a group of students at Minnechaug Regional High School in Wilbraham collected hundreds of signatures on a petition requesting that the Springfield station reconsider the action. Several faculty advisers to teams from other schools also contacted station officials, hoping to preserve the show.

    Under the agreement, WWLP-TV will provide production, technical and administrative assistance, as well as the set for the program, while Westfield State College will actually produce the program. WGBY-TV has agreed in principle to carry the program on a day and at a time to be determined.

    “This arrangement will provide our communications students with actual broadcast experience. It certainly is a wonderful opportunity for our students and our school,” said Barry Maloney, the interim present of Westfield State College.

    © 2006 The Republican, Springfield, MA (where Tom Wolfe had his first job)

Pratt Attack — 6

Click picture to watch video.

Roger Pratt is a top cinematographer.  He’s worked with Terry Gilliam quite a few times, and he’s filmed some very big movies, including Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.  But long before Roger there was another Pratt working behind the movie camera.

Let’s go way back to 1922, when Gilbert Pratt was directing Stan Laurel in the 3-reel (approx. 30-minute) silent movie Mud and Sand, a parody of the recent Rudolph Valentino hit, Blood and Sand.  Laurel was working solo in those days.

Don’t expect this video to look as good as my previous post with Laurel and Hardy.  The audio has some very good Dixieland music, but I think it was just a CD that somebody played in the background as a soundtrack.