In honor of my twinster Jean’s birthday, here’s something I know she likes. Winsor McCay’s still-amazing animation, Little Nemo in Slumberland (1911).
In honor of my twinster Jean’s birthday, here’s something I know she likes. Winsor McCay’s still-amazing animation, Little Nemo in Slumberland (1911).
Stephen Colbert is deserving of all the praise his show, The Colbert Report on Comedy Central, has received. And there’s no point in trying to knock Colbert, because I’m covering my ears and humming and can’t hear you. Here’s a 60 Minutes feature about him.
[flv:http://s3.amazonaws.com/dogratcom/Video/2014/Colbert_60Minutes.flv 320 240]
The movie It’s a Wonderful Life was based on a short story called The Greatest Gift, which starts with these sentences:
The little town straggling up the hill was bright with colored Christmas lights. But George Pratt did not see them.
This is the George Pratt I know. My dad. Mom is gone.
Happy birthday to my identical twin sister Jeanie Beanie! As she requested, here are the opening credits to It’s a Wonderful Life, a modest little movie that lanquished for many years in public domain obscurity.
Here’s a great opening to a movie. The Searchers. Buddy Holly heard John Wayne say “that’ll be the day” in this movie and his first hit song had that as the title. If you look carefully you’ll see why Ethan was so determined in his search for Debbie.
In 1932, with the Great Depression at its gnawing worst, before FDR, Frank Capra made a great movie called American Madness. The entire movie is here in four parts. It’s worth watching, even in this compromised format. At the end of each part, clicking the play button should start the next one. If not, click the “next” button.
Note: This was captured using my old setup, so there are dropped frames in parts. Sorry! If you wait for each part to fully buffer, you can drag the pointer around and even play at double speed.