Paper Cut

The first two pages show the comics layout in The Boston Globe until this week. The single page on the right is how it looks now.

The reduction was inevitable, so there really isn’t any point in protesting, but the Globe has a Facebook page for subscribers, so I added a comment there. This puts me one step closer to no longer taking home delivery of the print edition.

Hagar Slacks

The subject of Saturday’s Hägar the Horrible is just about the most adult that a mainstream comic strip can get! Old Hägar is either slow picking up on the young lady’s suggestive advance, or quick to think up a clever comeback to discourage her. And good thing, as she appears to be about the age of his daughter Honi!

How Green Was His Spinach

I’m late in promoting a few things for Christmas gift-giving — gifts that I’m giving to myself!

All of the Popeye cartoons produced by the Fleischer Bros. studio from the 30’s and 40’s are available on DVD. All of them, with a couple of notable exceptions, are in black & white. Being out of print, good luck finding volumes 2 and 3 without spending a small fortune.

A new Popeye disc is about to be released on Blu-ray as well as DVD. It picks up where Paramount called in its loans to the Fleischer brothers and took over the studio and began producing Popeye cartoons in Technicolor.

Animation maven Jerry Beck and others behind this project, discuss how it came to be and the considerable efforts that went into making it a must-get release for fans like myself. As you would expect, the business side of the deal had to be worked out before the restoration work could begin.