Adams and Eves

The root cause of the DEI debacle is batshit crazy white women who don’t know how anything works outside the female experience.

– Scott Adams

It’s been a year since Andrews McMeel cancelled Dilbert, a decision that Scott Adams blames on the DEI movement. Freed from the shackles of syndicate oppression, Adams is an unapologetic right-wing extremist. He says Democrats are playing the victim card, while claiming to be a DEI victim himself.

Foot Don’t Fail Me Now

Snoopy accurately captured my present situation in yesterday’s Peanuts reprint (presented here with permission, for a nominal fee).

PEANUTS © 1977 Peanuts Worldwide LLC. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

I’m in physical therapy for the collapsed arch in my right foot. I’ve been good about doing the exercises at home, and the results are promising.

Yesterday, the foot felt good enough to go running, but I don’t dare risk undoing the progress I’m making. As I told the podiatrist and the therapist, my goal is to avoid surgery. If that means no longer being able to go running, then so be it.