“Just Four Guys with Ray Whitaker” is a podcast from WMVY — Martha’s Vineyard Radio. Ostensibly it’s about the Beatles, but the Fab Four are often a springboard for Whitaker to offer his take on various things musical and muse-ical. A month ago he did this exceptionally mind-expanding show about the grooviest, trippiest genre of music — the short-lived, psychedelic era of Acid Rock.
Category: Beatles
Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday, Prue!

A Magical Mystery Tour through Abbey Road
Welcome to Abbey Road Studios. Thanks to Google UK, we don’t have to come in through the bathroom window.
Ringo won’t be doing an outdoor All-Starr Band show in Boston this summer, but we will see him at an indoor concert in six months. He has a great new single called “Postcards From Paradise”. Count all of the Beatles lyrics!
“Breakfast With the Beatles” is a Sunday morning radio show on WZLX in Boston. Host Cha-Chi Loprete interviews Ringo.
Cynthia Powell Lennon, 1939-2015.
Get me to the church on time!
For the first time in decades, this non-practicing Lutheran has attended a Catholic Church. Joe Sinnott’s son Mark told me we’d better not be late for Sunday morning Mass or Joe would give me heck. So I made sure we were there on time! Joe and Mark are in the area for the Super MegaFest Comic-Con in Framingham, MA, and I’ll be heading back there shortly.
A contemporary of Joe’s, the artist Ramona Fradon, is traveling with them. Ramona had a long and notable run drawing Aquaman for DC Comics, and I am a big fan of her work on “Super Friends”. Ramona was later hired to draw the comic strip “Brenda Starr”, which she did for fifteen years.
Speaking of Catholicism, if you’re a Silver Age fanboy you know that Joe inked Jack Kirby’s pencil art for Fantastic Four #5, the story that introduced the quartet’s most infamous villain, Doctor Doom. Get out a reprint of FF #6 (I assume if you have an original comic it’s sealed) and take a look at page #2. Most of that single page was inked by Joe, but everything else in the book was inked by Dick Ayers. Why? Because Treasure Chest, a publisher of comic books that were distributed to Catholic parochial schools, made Joe an offer he couldn’t refuse, to illustrate the life story of Pope John XXIII.
The story was released in serial form and now, for the first time, all of the installments are being collected in a single volume, scanned from the original art in Joe’s archives. This project, which means so much to Joe, is thanks to the hard work of Mr. James Tournas, otherwise known as Jimmy T., who ran a successful Kickstarter project to get the money together. See that $1500 pledge down on the right? I wonder who contributed that princely sum? 😉 There are 25 paperback artist’s proofs that were printed locally in Boston, and I’m looking at one of them right now. The final print run of 500 10″x15″ hardcover copies should arrive on (literally) a slow boat from China the first week of December.
Joe also has all of his original art to the story of the Beatles, authorized by Brian Epstein’s NEMS Enterprises and published in 1964 by Dell Comics.
It would have been great if a similar deluxe hardcover edition of the Beatles book were done, but a certain someone, through Apple Records, nixed it. “Saint” Paul said no, and so the decision was made for the Pope John book. A higher power than the Beatles must have been at work!