Fresh Air for John Lennon

Friday’s installment of the radio series Fresh Air had a tribute to John Lennon. The most interesting part is a 1985 interview with Cynthia. Click here to listen. There’s also a segment about the hassle that Nixon put Lennon through. This past week, after all these years, the FBI seized Lennon’s fingerprints before they could be auctioned.

Another ‘Applet’

Elaine Staats has forwarded a link to a new item about Lon Van Eaton. You’ll find it here. And on the Amazon link for the upcoming Best of Apple Records CD, that includes Lon and Derrek Van Eaton’s Sweet Music, there’s this promo video.

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Here are Lon and Derrek from after they had moved from Apple to A&M.

Fresh Apples

Later this month, Apple Records will release a pricey CD box set of non-Beatles albums from its catalog. Of wider interest is a companion collection of selected tracks. I’m happy and relieved that the song Sweet Music, from the Brother album by Lon and Derrek Van Eaton is listed, because I didn’t see it in Apple’s original announcement for the CD. Wednesday night, Lon Van Eaton talked with Randy “Now” Ellis on WTSR, at The College of New Jersey. There’s a short gap about 12:15 into the recording.


Thanks go to Elaine Staats for the tip on the radio show, and for the link to this interview with Lon.