My friend tastewar is a Decemberists fan. He recently took this video that presents a good case for why he’s a fan.
Here’s the official video for the song, worth considering on this Memorial Day weekend.
My friend tastewar is a Decemberists fan. He recently took this video that presents a good case for why he’s a fan.
Here’s the official video for the song, worth considering on this Memorial Day weekend.
Tomorrow at 1 PM ET, TuneIn to your Memorial Day DJ Tom Hanks, on Boss Radio 66.
My eldest sister occasionally likes to remind me that she attended both of the Beatles shows at Shea Stadium. The legendary 1965 concert was held two weeks before Mary Quant’s New York fashion show, where Prue introduced miniskirts to America.
The unprecedented success of the Beatles at Shea Stadium gave promoters the idea that the venue would be good for other acts, as seen in this 1966 poster.
Here’s the batty tale of how Batman followed the Beatles to Shea Stadium, and why Bob Dylan didn’t.
David Bruce digs deep into oldies. Both the gems that are worth a listen, and a few that are best left forgotten!
This one Dave played, by the Amen Corner, is a stand-out. No surprise, it’s from 1967.
The Amen Corner didn’t chart, but this groovy ’67 single by Tommy James made it to #25 on Billboard.
Here’s an hour of Robert Crumb entertaining and also, perhaps, offending. Featuring original recordings by Cliff “Jiminy Cricket” Edwards, aka “Ukulele Ike.”
OTRS 144 R. CRUMB’S RECORD ROOM part 62 “Not So Nice Party Records”
Yeah, I posted Tchaikovsky’s 6th Symphony only three months ago, but that was before my medical troubles were uncovered. This is the performance that I know best, having purchased an LP copy in college.