Give Pet A Chance

If you’ve been reading the interviews with Petula Clark I’ve linked to, you may have caught a comment about her being in a certain place at a certain time. Don’t blink, or you’ll miss her in this video clip.

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Why was Pet there?

“I’d been staying in French-speaking Canada but was starting to have hits with records in English as well. So when I was booked to perform at the Place des Arts in Montreal, I thought I’d do a bi-lingual show. Wrong. It was open war.

“After the show, I was upset and I went to John’s hotel to ask his advice. I didn’t really know him that well, but I do remember he was very rude about the audience.

“There was a very strange atmosphere in the suite and I remember the cameras being there but I really didn’t realise [sic] they were making Give Peace A Chance at the time.”

Al “Capp” Caplin was a full-time jerk. I never did much like Li’l Abner. But in fairness, John Lennon was a part-time jerk. It would have been much more interesting seeing Pet, instead of Capp, talking to John. Recognize any other faces in the crowd?

Petula Clark In Scotland

Petula Clark 1955
Petula Clark is in Scotland at the moment, for a couple of concert appearances. The Herald in Glasgow has a very nice feature about her visit. [Link]

Can you believe it? She’s still called a “former child star” over there! That was some 60 years ago, but she still can’t shake the title in the UK.

The article fails to mention the online PETition requesting a Damehood for Petula. I remedied that omission by adding the comment shown below.

Pet Petition

Pet Project

Dame Petula Clark

Let’s see how that online PETition is coming along. The one in England, asking Tony Blair to recommend Petula Clark be granted the title of Dame. [Link Here]

Hmm. At the moment, 134 136 138 140 166 UK residents have signed it. Not too bad for three four weeks, but let’s hope those Brits step it up. I have to admit I’m not quite sure to whom the recommendation must be made. The Queen herself?

Dame Petula Clark?

Petula Clark

The British government is trying out a new online form, where citizens can petition the Prime Minister. Pet fans have Irene Seaton to thank for initiating a petition to recommend granting Petula Clark the title of Damehood. Click here.

It’s bloody well about time! Only British citizens can vote, so there’s nothing for us US fans to do but watch and wait.

I’ve lost all respect for Tony Blair, who stupidly convinced himself that aligning with George Bush would somehow be a worthwhile venture. This is Tony’s chance to redeem himself, before leaving office!

More with Pet and Cousin Brucie on PBS

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Here’s another slice and splice with Petula Clark and legendary NY DJ Cousin Bruce Morrow from the PBS special My Music: The British Beat. I don’t actually agree with Pet’s comment that the Beatles were her big break in America. Her success was her own, of course, but if anybody deserves some credit for paving the way for Petula it was Julie Andrews, who had been in America for nearly ten years by that point. And before the Beatles the James Bond movies were hugely influential in opening up the U.S. to all things British.