Wet Pet

Hi! What? Oh, you want more Petula Clark? Sure! We love Petula Clark.

But … but you want WHAT? Pet singing her 1961 song “Sailor (Your Home Is The Sea)”? A video of her singing it? In FRENCH?? AND her original English single, too? Sheesh, you’re asking a lot, you know that?
[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Movies/Wordpress/JAN07/Sailor.flv 320 240]

OK! All right! Here. Anything to make you happy.


Pet Sounds

The mystery girl from the previous post is the lovely and talented Petula Clark! The movie clip with Pet at age 12 is from “I Know Where I’m Going!” Having been well-known in England and France for many years, Petula was 32 when she hit it big in America in 1965.

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Movies/Wordpress/JAN07/Downtown.flv 400 300]

The audio player has the studio recording of “Downtown” and, from 1968, Petula’s superb tear-jerker, “Kiss Me Goodbye.”
