Chew on This Tough Medicine

Why is Ozempic so expensive in the United States?

A better question is, why is there so much need for Ozempic in the United States? We’ve gone from being a nation of smokers to a nation of overeaters.

For the vast majority of people, losing weight is free. In fact, it’s better than free. The greatly increased cost of groceries can be offset by eating much less.

Eat less and move more. That has always been the simple, albeit not easy, formula for losing weight and reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


I no longer drink beer or wine, but occasionally I will have this non-alcoholic beverage.

There is some residual alcohol, listed as 0.5%. I predict this is the same percentage that the Federal Reserve Bank will cut the federal funds interest rate on Wednesday.


Fed slashes interest rates by a half point

Trump’s Suckers for Putin

Right-wing influencers were duped to work for covert Russian influence operation

Today was supposed to be my last cancer treatment day. Instead, it is the penultimate day, because of what happened on Tuesday, the worst day of my life.