Cadets, Veterans And Casualites

In honor of American military veterans, here is a excerpt of the Glee Club of the USMA at West Point singing ‘America’. A DVD is available at Stand Ye Ready.
[flv:/Video/NOV07/USMA.flv 400 300]
Veterans Day is intended for the living, but during a time of armed conflict it is sadly also a memorial day. I compared the list of glee club singers against a list of Army fatalities in Iraq, and found these two matches.

09/14/04 Brown, Tyler Hall 1st BN, 9th INF REG, 2nd Infantry Division Camp Hovey, Korea
10/31/03 Bryant, Todd J. 1st BN, 34th Armor REG, 1st Infantry Division Fort Riley, KS

May they rest in peace.

‘Bodies’ In Framingham, MA

A while ago I said that the traveling exhibition called ‘Bodies’ was coming to Framingham, Massachusetts. Well, it’s here, and having seen Bodyworld 2 last year, I recommend staying away. A local pharmacist named Aaron Ginsburg is speaking out against the exhibit, and while I may not feel as strongly as he does, I think he’s on track with his comments, which you can read by clicking here.

The medical advisor of the show claims, in this article from the Metrowest Daily News, that…

…all bodies in the exhibit died of natural causes and were unclaimed. Under Chinese law they were acquired by Dalian Medical University for research and loaned to Premier Exhibitions for the show. After the exhibit, they will be either donated to U.S. medical institutions or returned to China to be cremated and interred.

Do I believe this? Nah. But even if it’s true, some of the displays of human bodies I saw last year at Bodyworld 2, including a literal chest of drawers, aren’t about education, so much as they are about desecration.

Did Jack Kevorkian have a point about dying with dignity? Sure he did. But, c’mon, didn’t it seem there was something “off” about the way he went about it? Same thing, in my view, with Gunther von Hagens saying these body exhibits are solely educational, and Mel Gibson’s claim that he was interested only in portraying the suffering of Jesus in ‘The Passion of The Christ.’ In my opinion, these guys are acting out something very deep and dark.

The Line-Up

This week’s issue of Newsweek speculates on New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, no longer a Republican, as a wild card candidate for President. This raises an amazing prospect of the top candidates being a Catholic and a Mormon, a woman and a black man, and a Jew. It’s going to be a perfect storm of an election!

This quote from the article reminded me of something.

Landing at the Wall Street heliport earlier this year, after the mayor announced he was leaving the Republican Party to become an independent, President Bush gestured to Marine One and told Bloomberg: “That bird could be yours.”

It reminded me that my brother is one of the people who maintains Marine One. He and I do not share the same opinion of Dubya.

FRONTLINE: Showdown With Iran

The PBS series FRONTLINE has a program on the situation between America and Iran. This is a must-see explanation of how we got where we are. Is it any surprise that Bush has screwed up everything, at every turn? I have to conclude this was done intentionally because the policy from Day 1 has been to go to war. The only other explanation is outright incompetence. Of course, both intent and incompetence are possible.

Fortunately, it’s up to Congress to declare war, and there’s no way that’s going to happen. If Bush and Cheney act on their own, claiming coverage by the powers granted in October 2002, there would be grounds for immediate impeachment proceedings.

You can watch ‘Showdown With Iran’ either on TV or online.

FRONTLINE: Showdown With Iran

Oh, look. It’s Richard Armitage. The man who compromised national security by revealing Valerie Plame‘s identity as a covert CIA operative to right wing-nut columnist Robert Novak.

Freak Show In Framingham

Last year I talked about an exhibit I saw called Bodyworlds 2. (Note: the item at that link includes an audio clip of the late Paul Sullivan on his Boston radio show. Sullivan was much more sanguine than I about Bodyworlds 2.)

I had ambivalent feelings about it, and after reading this article in The New York Times, I stopped being ambivalent. I think it’s an old-fashioned freak show.

Even if Bodyworlds, as Gunther von Hagens claims, presents only the bodies of people who gave their consent, the ‘Bodies’ show that Stephen Colbert highlighted uses unclaimed Chinese corpses; presumably including prisoners, political or otherwise.

The ‘Bodies’ show is about to open literally around the corner from where I work in Framingham, Massachusetts, but not without protest. There’s one lone voice speaking out against Bodies. The Metrowest Daily News has the story at this link. If the link is dead, click here. In keeping with the latest trend in journalism, the reporter posted a video on YouTube. Sort of blurs the line between print and TV media, doesn’t it?