Thou Shall Separate Church And State

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Through Netflix my wife Carol and I have watched an interesting collection of recent documentaries, a couple of which I’ve highlighted previously.

All of these films are recommended, but I would say that Jesus Camp is the most disturbing. I’ve selected two brief scenes from the film and spliced them together. I’ll let these three minutes speak for themselves, while making the assumption you know what Ted Haggard was forced to admit shortly before the November elections.

White House Ill Logic

By this point Karl Rove’s penchant for simplistic catch-phrases and talking points, such as “when they stand up we’ll stand down” and “up or down vote” must be apparent to the majority of Americans, and hopefully everybody is tired of them. The current argument being repeated is that “a timetable for retreat” in Iraq means the enemy would simply hide until we are gone.

Let’s follow that reasoning a bit. If we stay indefinitely the bad guys will continue to fight. If we announce that we’ll be leaving, they’ll run away and hide.

OK, so if the bad guys lay low, that should result in relative calm in Iraq. Will the administration then say the “situation on the ground” must be getting better? Or will we be told there is merely the appearance of stability, and we must therefore stay? I would bet on the latter. In other words, there will be no definition for victory. With Karl Rove there’s just no winning.

Obviously, the so-called surge isn’t working and it won’t work. If Iraq can’t be secured in the next 18 months, then it can’t be done. Not by foreign military occupation, anyway. We’ve got stop enabling the devious, deceptive and dangerous men in the Bush administration, and that means no more money without a timetable for withdrawal.

Added Comment: By Bush’s own logic, by his declaring that the surge would focus on securing Baghdad, didn’t he signal to the insurgents that they should leave the city for a while?

Colbert The Bodice Ripper

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I won’t wait for Comedy Central to post this one. Stephen Colbert points out that in the up and down world of romance novels, publisher Harlequin is struggling for a new image. And he has a few suggestions.

Meg, allegedly an intern, is featured in this segment. She was seen previously handing Stephen the shield that was bequeathed to him by Captain America. As you can see in this video, the shield is now hanging proudly on Colbert’s Wall of Fame.

Victory In Iraq

I think the September 2008 deadline the Democrats have specified in the House appropriations bill for the funding of the occupation of Iraq is more than generous.

To all of the Republicans in denial of reality who think the pitifully inept George Bush will be hampered by a timetable for troop withdrawl, the whole point to winning is that the ENEMY CAN’T GET BACK UP. The enemy must be DOWN, so that NOTHING the enemy tries to do is effective — whether or not they know the date we’ll be leaving!

If we can’t impose order on Iraq in another 18 months, then it can’t be done. If all is peaceful by then, we won’t need a military presence there, will we? Put up or shut up, Republicans. If George Bush and Dick Cheney were men, and not the chicken hawks they are, they’d accept this deadline as a challenge. “Bring ’em on”.

I wonder how many more American soldiers and civilian contractors will die or be maimed between now and September 2008?