Colbert is Colbert

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Some of the pass-offs from Jon Stewart to Stephen Colbert are real gems, even when they manage to flub it. This one from a couple of weeks ago I couldn’t find on Comedy Central, so I’ll resort to posting it myself. Colbert provides some bedtime reading from Ayn (A is A) Rand.

I went through an Ayn Rand period in college, when I read both “The Fountainhead” and “Atlas Shrugged”. Like the science-fiction writings of L. Ron Hubbard, I genuinely enjoyed Ayn Rand’s novels. If nothing else, they’re solid romantic soap operas. But as I did with Hubbard’s Dianetics, I decided Rand’s Objectivism wasn’t for me.

News Bullets

What a week, seeing so much truth and reality in the news.

  • Libby guilty in CIA leak case
  • No military solution to Iraq, warns new US commander
  • Fired US Prosecutors Felt Threatened by Hill Republicans
  • Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration At Walter Reed
  • FBI admits abuse of Patriot Act
  • Gingrich cheated on wife while House was impeaching Clinton over affair with Monica Lewinsky

Bank Of America Bad Ad

Back of America AdBank of America AdBank of America AdNewsweek


Click the thumbnail pictures to check out this fancy ad in last week’s Newsweek. Honorable son Eric was the first to spot this unintentionally powerful print media slip-up.

The ad has a cardboard cover with some cut-outs. The picture on the left shows the ad with the cover opened. But look what appears on the other side through the cut-outs when the page is turned.