Costello croaks, Colbert croons

Two of my all-time favorite entertainers, Elvis Costello and Stephen Colbert, together again (extra credit if you know the lyric in this song that Costello first used on his second album)…

[flv: 512 384]

..and here they are last year in “A Colbert Christmas.”

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
A Colbert Christmas: Colbert/Costello Duet
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor U.S. Speedskating

More evil than Communism?

I’ve already said something about Michael Moore’s latest outraged assertion, that Capitalism is evil. One bit of confusion that many people, including George Bush, seem to have, is equating Capitalism with Democracy. China is proof that the former does not imply the latter.

The shout-downs against health care regulation at the so-called town hall meetings reminded me of Moore’s ambush tactics, except a lot less clever than driving an armored car to AIG and demanding the bailout money be given back to the American taxpayers. Moore was on The Colbert Report last night. Regardless of his politics, the man simply has to drop a hundred pounds.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Capitalism’s Enemy – Michael Moore
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Protests

On the Colbert of the Rolling Stone

Since the January inauguration, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have shown they aren’t just about knocking Bush. Did they have a choice?

For the midterm elections a few years ago, Colbert shared the cover of Rolling Stone with Stewart. But now Colbert, who is in the second of three weeks away, has the cover all to himself. But what happens when there are no more print editions of magazines? There won’t be any covers of anything anymore. BTW, this blog turns three years old on Saturday, and this is post #1700.

A tip o’ the DogRat toupee to Denro for the tip.

The Colbert War Machine

Tonight is the first installment of Stephen Colbert’s visit with the troops in Baghdad. Gen. Ray Odierno, under a direct order given by his Commander in Chief, gave Stephen a buzzcut! Don’t miss it!

I love Colbert, but I’m enough of a realistic/cynic to suspect the timing of his visit to Iraq isn’t coincidentally following Conan O’Brien’s first week on his new shift. And this week’s issue of Newsweek features Colbert as guest editor. It’s out now, but our copy (I’ve subscribed to Newsweek for 25 years) didn’t arrive in today’s mail.

Colbert edits Newsweek

Colbert Accomplishes Mission in Iraq

Stephen Colbert in flight suit

Stephen Colbert’s face has been sitting on the blog’s header for a reason. Next week the shows he recorded in Iraq will be aired. And next week’s issue of Newsweek is guest-edited by Colbert. (Note: the comments that are currently on the page at that link look like mine would if I weren’t so good about killing spam.)

Forty years ago, and for years more after that, I admired Charles Schulz and Stan Lee more than anybody else. My new idols are Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart.

Correction: Colbert arrived in Baghdad yesterday. There will be four shows, each aired the day it is produced as they are in NYC.