If you have all the time in the world, you can now browse through countless hours of video on the new Web site for Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show. But not having all the time in the world, here is my favorite Even Stevphen installment. I featured it last Christmas, but it’s about Halloween, so it’s time for an encore.
Category: Stephen Colbert
Candidate Colbert
David Carr at the New York Times has this comment on the Stephen Colbert’s appearance yesterday on Meet The Press, which can be seen by clicking here, or scrolling down, depending on how you got here.
Stephen Colbert On Meet The Press
Not being a blogger devoted solely to following Stephen Colbert, I post Colbertish things when it’s convenient and/or I’m inspired. Neither is the case at the moment, but my FiOS DVR happened to catch Stephen’s appearance on Meet The Press today. One interesting revelation is that in a past incarnation Colbert apparently wanted to look like Elvis Costello.
[flv:/Video/OCT07/MeetThePress.flv 400 300]
Stephen Colbert’s I Am America (And So Can You!)
I expected Colbert to interview himself to promote his new book, I Am America (And So Can You!). It appears to be “thin, yet meaty” as a college professor of mine used to say. I expect I’ll be picking up a copy.
[flv:/Video/OCT07/ColbertBook.flv 400 300]
What Sort Of Fan Am I?
Yes, I know that Stephen Colbert — his voice, anyway — was on the season premiere of The Simpsons. As with Colbert’s appearance on the Emmys, I didn’t watch it. Shameful, I know! Sorry.
Stephenerino and Tony
Here’s a too-short bit of fun with Stephen Colbert and Tony Bennett, from Wednesday’s show. Hey, if Colbert does more of this, he could expand to an hour and offer a real alternative to Leno and Letterman!
[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/SEP07/ColbertBennett.flv 400 300]