Bose Buys McIntosh!

McIntosh MA5300 integrated amp, $6000

That’s McIntosh Labs in Binghamton New York, not Apple’s line of Macintosh computers. McIntosh dates back to 1950s-era hi-fi tube amps, and this is big audio news that’s coming from out of nowhere.

I frequently drive past the Bose headquarters, and the chairman of the Bose board lives near here. As a privately held company, he must have approved, if not initiated, this very surprising move to acquire McIntosh.

If I were to lose all sense of financial perspective and buy a McIntosh product that I don’t need, it would be the integrated amp in the picture. As it is, I own only one Bose product, the now-discontinued Wave Music System I bought in 2008, that I continue to use every day.

Stop & Stop

I was about to leave to visit a Stop & Shop, in search of a particular item that I can’t find at my usual supermarket. Then I saw this TV report.

It’s very unlikely the non-food item I’m looking for will be out of stock, assuming it’s something that’s normally carried at the store. If all else fails, there’s Amazon, of course. I might explain later what it is, and why I’m searching for it, depending on how the story turns out.

Texting About Textiles

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts prohibits clothing, shoes, towels and sheets, etc., from being thrown away.

How much of an effect does my small state’s initiative have on the global problem of textile waste? A safe guess is not very much. But as we did with same-sex marriage, we’re setting an example for other states to follow.