Thinking Outside the Box Tank
I used to consider the Cato Institute as home to the craziest think tank nonsense, but that’s changed. The Heritage Foundation has proven itself to be totally lost in an extremist fantasy land of lies, dangerous assertions and dictatorial goals.
The right is sowing doubt about the election and putting so much emphasis on immigration, because they know the country’s demographics are shifting away from the Republican party. They knew it after Obama was reelected in 2012, but instead of accepting reality and changing direction as recommended by the RNC, they let Trump take over the party.
The report, called the “Growth and Opportunity Project,” lays out an extensive plan the RNC believes will lead the party to victory with an extensive outreach to women, African-American, Asian, Hispanic and gay voters.
Garage Door Theater
I was going to post this picture yesterday, but I was busy undergoing a nuclear stress test of my heart, before taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather to get some outdoor work done.
Thanks to the new families in the area, we had the best ever Halloween turnout on Thursday. Besides my usual front porch decorations, I projected a familiar movie onto the garage door. It’s the original 1977 version, not the 1978 “Part Four: A new Hope” re-release or — ugh! — any of the “special editions.”
A little boy, probably five or six years old, exclaimed, “Obi Wan!” He ran up to the garage door, patted the image of Alec Guinness and proudly explained to the group he was with, “That’s Obi Wan!” He’ll make a fine Jedi Knight.
Regarding my stress test, the results showed a healthy heart with no indication of coronary artery disease, let alone scarring from a heart attack. Yay. I had been told that my many years of long distance running was the probable cause of my a-fib, but yesterday’s results showed there are also definite benefits to running.
Some Things Get Faster With Age
Verizon Fios 2006
Verizon Fios 2024
The Bat Box
Something I like about the WordPress theme I use is the logo in the upper left corner. It reminds me of the corner box on Marvel Comics covers from the 60s, an idea that’s been credited to Steve Ditko.
Starting last Saturday, I used the logo box for a little daily Batman Halloween sequence, adapted from early issues of Detective Comics.
It’s Just a Jump to the Left!
A very long time ago in my carefree youth, before returning to Boston from Western Massachusetts I would attend midnight showings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. They were at this place when it was new, near UMass in Amherst. Today, it’s another dead mall.