Letterman Hicks-up

It may surprise some people who know me that I’m not a huge fan of stand-up comedy. Lewis Black, for example, may have much to say that’s worth hearing, but his delivery grates on my nerves. Having a sense of outrage and/or being outrageous only go so far with me. Sketch comedy, and comic acting, are much more my thing. Stephen Colbert I consider to be a uniquely gifted comic actor with no equal.

With that bit as background, I was very impressed with what David Letterman did last night on behalf of the late comedian Bill Hicks. Since becoming a father and having coronary bypass surgery, Letterman’s turned into a real human being. The man is still wry and ironic, but he now displays humanity and sympathy to a degree that I don’t recall seeing in years past.

I’m not overly familiar with the work of Hicks, who died of pancreatic cancer in 1994, less than five months after what would have been his twelfth, and final, appearance on Letterman’s show. But I know his material was challenging and ahead of its time on hitting every controversial social topic there is. Letterman, not knowing Hicks was dying, cut the segment. Last night, Letterman apologized to Hicks’ mother, because his action had hurt her son in his final months, and he aired Hicks’ routine in full.

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2009/JAN/LettermanHicks.flv 480 360]

Category Crossover: Colbert meets McCartney

Two faves in one post! Stephen Colbert with Sir Paul McCartney…

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2009/JAN/ColbertMcCartney.flv 480 360]

Yes, the audio is a couple of frames out-of-synch with the picture. That’s because I used my alternate video capture setup, so the cables can reach from the DVD recorder in the other room. If there’s a fix for this, I haven’t found it yet. Now you know!

I would put the Comedy Central embedded video here, in fact I just did, but they screwed up the markups.

… all the livelong day

A while ago in a comment, Cactus Lizzie said I know a lot about computers. Actually, I don’t. But one thing that I do know is what’s in this training video. I chopped off the end a bit, because it gets into something I don’t need at work, but the rest of it I understand and use often.

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2009/JAN/CLARiiON.flv 440 330]


Here’s the great news:


Exciting news! I just got off the phone with Program Director Peter Casey–Steve will be back on the air in his old time slot starting Sunday!

See WBZ’s front page story: http://wbz.com/Steve-LeVeille-and-Lovell-Dyett-to-return-to-WBZ/3735627

Wanted to make sure you got the story ASAP! Thanks for all of your hard work!

I’ll “‘BZ-ing you!”

Ben Goodman

I’m ashamed to admit that Steve’s own comments about his departure took the wind out of my sails about the chances of his return to the Boston nighttime airwaves. Thanks go to Ben Goodman for hanging in there!

Netflix on Xbox 360

The Senate has delayed the end of analog TV transmission, which I think is a mistake, but in our house we’re using the absolute latest in TV technology. Because we’re finally set up to play Netflix’s Watch Instantly feature on Eric’s Xbox 360.

Whether SD, or Netflix’s limited selection of HD material, the video quality isn’t up to FiOS TV, but it’s certainly watchable, there are no glitches, and the operation of the user interface is fast and smooth. Here’s an example — one minute of the series “Heroes” in a somewhat grainy HD rendering, as seen on the Panasonic 720p front projector.

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2009/JAN/NetflixHD.flv 480 360]