Another British ‘Bird’

Who’s this? If I showed you a picture of her in context, you’d know her in a second. She was born in America, but she’s spent most of her life in England. Her first husband is very famous. Fabulously famous. Oh, he’s just rolling in it. Fame, that is. And money too, I suppose. But that’s neither here nor there. The point is, he’s the all-time master of belaboring a point to an excruciating… point.

Famous Bride


The Coast Guard has released raw surveillance video of US Air Flight flight 1549 crash landing on the Hudson River. Start watching at 2:00.

YouTube’s newest player is very slick. You can do a search and sit there all day watching whatever you want without going to YouTube. I find YouTube itself to be too busy to stay there for very long.

Battlestar K3

Bismo is over and we’re watching Battlestar Galactica on DVD. His friend Mojo, who won an Emmy for special effects on the show, has written about wrapping up the series.

So, with only minutes left to post something before midnight I’ll have to grab something from my reserve stock. Hmm… let’s see what’s here. Oh, here’s something handy — K3!

A little over a year ago, K3 en de Kattenprins (“K3 and the Cat Prince”) premiered. Here’s a promo video…

[flv: 400 300]

…and this is the trailer.

[flv: 487 216]

Petula Clark Rocks!

Petula Clark is my all-time reference for female Pop singing talent, professionalism and sexiness. Not only is there nobody better, there’s nobody as good. Having said that, what a great cover on the new Collector’s Choice Music catalog!

Petula Clark Rocks

It says see page 3, so here’s page 3.

Petula Clark CCMusic

I’ll be ordering both of these new items. Video of Petula is always a treat, so I’m looking forward to the DVD. Which reminds me. Goodbye, Mr. Chips will finally be released on DVD in a couple of weeks.

David Moncur, our correspondent in Scotland, wrote to say:

Here is the Dutch concert Max proms that she was involved in, in December. Her voice sounds a bit strained, but she’s looking great.

Click on “Afspelen” to get the show. She’s towards the end of the first half, and in the middle of the second half. This is the televised show, so they have cut it, and it doesn’t show all her songs….. Double click on it to make it screen size.

Happy 2009


Thank you, Dave! She does indeed look great. I wish I could do more than provide the link here, but the video is in Real format, and there’s not a lot I can do with that.

I was poking around recently and happened to catch this sweet and lovely tune by Petula. Enjoy!
