Another one after 9/09

On my birthday I posted the audio to a Captain Zoom record D.F. Rogers, aka Denro, gave me as a joke thirty years ago, when we were already a college grade-you-ates. Then my buddy Bismo, who remembers hearing the record when I got it, pointed out that Captain Zoom birthday records still exist, and he sent the current version of my name. Thanks, Bismo!


Definitely not the same recording, but with some of the original effects, along with an impression of Caroll Spinney as Big Bird. It’s no surprise that those who were very young in the 70’s wax nostalgic about Captain Zoom.

The real Sarah Palin

This video has been around, most notably on the Huffington Post. This is Sarah Palin three short months ago.

[flv: 440 330]

Sorry if I’m doing so many political posts, but after the latest financial upheavals I’m getting very nervous about November. Today McCain flip-flopped from saying the economy is fundamentally strong to saying it’s in crisis. In a matter of hours he suddenly realized that things aren’t good. Bright boy.

An end to confusion

At The Guardian in the UK, Michael Tomasky explains our confusion here in the US with how the GOP characterizes the McCain and Obama tickets:

If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you’re “exotic, different.”

Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers — a quintessential American story.

If your name is Barack you’re a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.

Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track — you’re a maverick.

Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.

Attend five different small colleges before graduating, you’re well grounded.
Continue reading An end to confusion