I hate taking pot shots, but…

I don’t care for those “I was just thinking” things, but I just watched Georgie’s live-but-remote appearance at the RNC, and I was just thinking…

  • Laura Bush looks great and, yes, red is her color.
  • Bush — George, not Laura — tried very hard to appear Reaganesque.
  • Did Jenna Bush abstain from sex until her wedding night?
  • Is Jenna’s unmarried sister abstaining?
  • John McCain sure showed good judgment marrying into $100 million.
  • Country first? We have to listen to Tody Keith? Or is he a Democrat now?

Juno, Alaska

Well, that’s one blog post title that wrote itself. So how’s Obama’s judgment looking now, compared to McCain’s?

The Palin baby has Down Syndrome, making it more likely the daughter isn’t pregnant with her second child, but I suppose that’s still a possibility. If Palin resigns it will be because of Republican pressure. I would expect the hard-core GOP base to feel that, given the circumstances in the Palin household, Sarah should quit working and take care of her family.