Global Reach

A guilty pleasure of mine is looking through the Global Industrial catalog whenever it shows up at work. It has almost everything. Hasn’t everybody imagined decorating their living room like a doctor’s office reception area?

Reception Area Furniture

How about lockers for the mud room? And wouldn’t one of these magazine racks be great, assuming you still get magazines?

LockersMagazine StandMagazine Rack

But what I really have my eye on is the pre-engineered mezzanine…

Metal mezzanine

I want to get one for the backyard, so when K3 come to visit they can address the admiring throngs below, like they do in Belgium and the Netherlands. 😉

K3 in Holland

Like Yo’ Mama Sees You

K3 did three shows in the Netherlands on Friday! They’re doing three more on Saturday, and then again on Sunday! Lucky Dutchies. How about a couple of K3 tunes with “Mama” in the title?

[flv: 480 270]

I know, I know, almost sounds like a jingle for a commercial, but I still like it. Give the studio recording a listen.

[audio:|titles=Mama En Papas – K3]

K3 has a nifty tune called “Ye Mama Ziet Graag”, or “Like Your Mama Sees You”. I featured a live performance at this link, and here’s the video for it.

[flv: 480 270]

An alternate take was used for the video. The CD version goes easy on the Dixieland sound until the end.

[audio:|titles=Je Mama Ziet Je Graag – K3]

From Brazil to Belgium

OK, you’ve had your little break from K3, but now we’re back with more of Karen, Kathleen, and Kristel. I can’t say if Xuxa’s success in Brazil 15-20 years ago had any influence on Studio 100’s introduction of K3 as a Pop act that hosts a children’s show, but watching these videos I have to wonder.

This is K3 with a Latin beat. The second video, “Feest” (Celebration), has some bizarre CG models of the ladies. The last video is a live version of the same song, and at the moment it’s having buffering problems on YouTube, and that’s why it’s last. If it locks up, drag the button past that point and it should pick up again. The third tune is their brand-new single, which is somewhat evocative I think of ABBA’s “Fernando.”

But now let’s meet Xuxa. This is a 1993 feature from Inside Edition, and it’s introduced by none other than…. Bill O’Reilly.
[flv:/Video/2008/JUN/XuxaInsideEdition.flv 440 330]