The word is out that MAD Magazine will soon be no more. Two more new issues will be published, and then some reprints done up to finish off mail order subscriptions, and that’ll be the end.

Don Martin Sound Effect Stickers From MAD SPECIAL NUMBER 23 — Winter 1977

This isn’t unexpected, of course, but it’s sad to see the disappearance of yet another formerly grand outlet for great cartooning. As a matter of historical note, MAD was the last remaining vestige of what had been Entertaining Comics.

Mutts to You, Two!

Back on March 24 I said that Joe Sinnott would be returning to the Sunday funnies one more time inking the MUTTS comic strip, and today is it! Fantastic Four fans will get the joke about the cocoon.

Mutts by Patrick McDonnell, distributed by King Features Syndicate

I spent all day yesterday with Joe at the Empire State Comic Con in Albany. Joe’s doing great, and he’s as clever and fesity as ever.