5 thoughts on “Colbert at New York Comic Con”

  1. My GOD! I missed them both! Are you sure you meant Stephen King and not Colbert? King loves the comic cons, by the way. He’s a big fan of and friend of Bernie Wrightson, Doesn’t Stephen Colbert look like he’s really enjoying himself? Love the sweater.

  2. Most of the ticketed Autograph sessions were limited to 50 or 75 people. Since these FREE sessions usually lasted an hour, it makes sense. Figuring one autograph a minute – that’s sixty signatures per hour, while quickly greeting sixty people who want to tell you how much they admire you (at great length.) It guarantees that you will get a brief greeting and a signature. If it was limited to just a certain period of time, many people would be disappointed after waiting in line for hours. If it was unlimited, I’m sure Stan and Stephen would still be autographing!

  3. Stan Lee was also limited to 75, so either he considered himself just as important and did a “me too”, or it was a Con restriction. I’ll ask Dennis, as he was there, but didn’t get to meet either man.

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