Spider-Man In The Sunday Papers


I’ve previously highlighted the Spider-Man reprint comics that are found in certain Sunday newspapers. They disappeared from my paper for a few weeks, but they’ve been back for the past four weeks.

Almost all of the art in these stories, now over 40 years old, was done by Steve Ditko. I don’t know about you, but I consider these figure drawings to be compelling and unique. Superb representations of the human form in space and motion, accentuated and made abstract by the best super-hero costume ever designed.

One thought on “Spider-Man In The Sunday Papers”

  1. Kids still love Spidey. Well, boys, anyway. I can’t count the number of Spidey-themed birthday parties Molly has been to over the past 10 years. Of course, that was probably because of the Toby Maguire movies. Kids don’t buy comic books anymore; they buy anime! But YOU knew that!

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