He Said “Yeh Yeh”

My best buddy Dennis Rogers, the master of all things Pop Culture, has pointed out that this song was co-written by the father of our state’s governor.


Laurdine “Pat” Patrick was a saxophonist who played for many years with jazz impresario Sun Ra. He also happened to be the father of Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick.

Georgie FamePat Patrick co-wrote “Yeh Yeh”, a 1965 #1 hit in England for British performer Clive Powell, who was given the stage name Georgie Fame by his manager Larry Parnes, who had managed the Beatles for a short time early in their career. In America, “Yeh Yeh” peaked at #21 in Billboard magazine.

The Boston Globe has the whole story about Patrick, and the troubled relationship he had with his father, at this link. Patrick is a smart guy, but he was a bit full of himself when he took office and he got off to a rather shaky start as governor. Once he gets his act together he should do all right.

Diagnosis: Murder

The headline in Wednesday’s Boston Globe read, New civil trial sought in slaying of doctor.

New England Memorial Hospital

The place: New England Memorial Hospital, Stoneham, Massachusetts. Later renamed Boston Regional Medical Center. Later closed.

The time: October 1(?), 1993

The event: The murder of obstetrician, Dr. Linda Goudey.

Dr. Lynda Goudey

Here is a brief timeline of the facts of the case, as given in The Globe.


    Oct. 4 – The body of Dr. Linda Goudey, 43, an obstetrician who specialized in high-risk pregnancies, is found inside her car parked at New England Memorial Hospital in Stoneham, where she worked.
    Oct. 17 – Dr. Timothy Stryker, 41, an endocrinologist at the hospital who had been dating Goudey, says police have talked to him about her death four times.
    Nov. 29 – Autopsy results show Goudey was strangled.


    The Middlesex district attorney’s office says that the case is still open and that “it will remain open until it’s solved.”


    The Goudey estate files a civil wrongful-death lawsuit against Stryker.


    March – A superior court judge rules the district attorney’s office must turn over its investigation files to the Goudey family, because enough time has passed to make the possibility of an arrest remote.


    June 6 – The civil trial begins.
    June 16 – A jury finds Stryker responsible for Goudey’s death and orders him to pay $15.1 million. With interest, the amount would total $33 million. Stryker says he will challenge the verdict.

My eldest sister is an obstetrician specializing in high-risk pregnancies, but that wasn’t the primary reason why this case interested me. My wife Carol worked at the hospital, and she knew Dr. Goudey. Our son Eric was born at New England Memorial (although he wasn’t delivered by Dr. Goudey). Not only that, the day before her body was discovered we saw Goudey’s car parked at the hospital.

Lynda Goudey's Saab

Instead of being in the physician’s lot, Goudey’s Saab was in a far corner of the main lot, when we took Eric, not quite two years old, for a Sunday walk in the woods behind the hospital, through an area known as The Fells Acres Reserve. I am SO GLAD I didn’t take a look inside of that Saab that autumn afternoon!

Early in the investigation it was revealed that a security guard had confirmed he spotted the car on Sunday. Whew! Otherwise, I would have felt that Carol and I should come forward and confirm the car’s presence some 20 hours before Goudey’s strangled body was found inside of it.

Several years later, a nurse who had worked with Goudey was murdered and dismembered by her husband. After that nightmare, the hospital was renamed to Boston Regional Medical Center. There were other problems, stemming from prior financial mismanagement by the Seventh Day Adventists, who owned and ran the facility, which included an accredited high school and a neighborhood of homes behind the hospital.

A simple name change wasn’t enough to distance the hospital from its woes, and in early 1999 it closed. The main building remains empty and unsold. The high school and homes are gone, and now there’s just a weedy field, as it they had never existed. But the adjoining medical building is still in operation. In fact, my eye surgeon’s office is there and I visit the place twice a year.

Paint it (Charlie) Brown

Charles Schulz Wall

If you’re anywhere near Santa Rosa, California on Saturday, The Charles M. Schulz Museum will be presenting The Nursery Wall Uncovered at 1 pm.

The wall was painted by Schulz in daughter Meredith’s room during the time the family lived in Colorado, after leaving Minnesota and before moving onto California. It’s not The Last Judgment wall from the Sistine Chapel, but it’s certainly a unique piece of work by Sparky, done in a medium that he rarely if ever worked in again.

What’s On Netflix Now?

Monkey Business


Can you believe that not only do I not own a copy of the Marx Brothers’ Monkey Business, I’ve never even seen it all the way through in a single sitting? Or even a single standing! I’m half an hour into it right now on Netflix Now and — d’oh! — it’s bedtime. Maybe I’ll have to watch it in a single sleeping.

The Key To Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart

Sgt. Pepper

In Sunday’s Boston Globe, James Sullivan commemorates the 40th anniversary of the photo shoot that resulted in the cover to the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band, by identifying all of the faces in the background. The online version is here, but it doesn’t include a key. The key in the print edition of the paper is small and, in my copy, off-register and nearly illegible.

I’ve made a nice, big key to the list. Click the picture above to see it. It will open a new window or tab, so you can compare it more easily to the list below. The photo is exactly 1024×768 pixels, the most common screen resolution, making it suitable for your computer’s wallpaper, if you don’t mind being unable to find anything on your desktop! Continue reading The Key To Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart

Captain America vs. The Red Skull

Previously on DogRat I posted this old TV cartoon…
[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/MAR07/CapAM.flv 400 300]

I promised to scan and post the story from the Silver Age of comic books that the cartoon was based on. Click the picture below or here to see it in the gallery.

Captain America in Action

Compare and contrast the comic with the cartoon. Extra credit if you can name the original comic book issues.