Chabon on Capes and Cowls

If clothes can make the man, what can a costume do for a superhero? Ye old buddy D.F. Rogers has sent the link to a New Yorker article by Michael Chabon about the why behind the masks. Chabon won a Pulitzer for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, and he was a screenwriter for Spiderman 2. The New Yorker also has a Podcast interview with Chabon, and for convenience I’ll post it here.

[audio:|titles=Michael Chabon interview]

And while we’re thinking about The New Yorker, Charles Schulz never got a cartoon into its pages, although he had reasonable success selling submissions to The Saturday Evening Post. However, Snoopy has made at least one appearance in the New Yorker.

Edward Frascino, The New Yorker, 11/2/1992
Edward Frascino, The New Yorker, 11/2/1992