Astrid’s View

Once again I am pleased to feature photos of gorgeous Prudence Bury, a classic British beauty and ballet dancer, and by far my favorite girl on the “Hard Day’s Night” train with the Beatles. These were taken by none other than Astrid Kirchherr.

Pru Bury with Ringo Starr
© Astrid Kirchherr

Pru Bury with Ringo and George
© Astrid Kirchherr

And this is, of course, Astrid with Stu Sutcliffe. An iconic couple, who had a brief but powerfully resonant relationship. Their story is, by itself, almost as compelling as that of the Beatles. But, then, it was love, after all.

Stu and Astrid
© Astrid Kirchherr

2 thoughts on “Astrid’s View”

  1. I’m not a Beatles expert, but the more I know about Astrid the more I realize how far ahead of everybody else she was on where the 60’s were going before they were even going there. There is a timeless element of cool surrounding Astrid, from her beauty, to her fashion sense, to the look of her photographs.

    I know there’s a lot of controversy about what happened between the men who wanted Astrid, including John Lennon, but I’m not particularly interested in that aspect of those times. It’s a given that a woman like Astrid will have men fighting over her.

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