Neighborly Advice to Washington

Our neighbor across the street sent this tidbit. I won’t give his name, because he doesn’t know I’m posting this.

I’m not usually into this politics crap but I happened to see this interesting editorial from the Chairman of the FDIC that was written back on 10/19/2007:

“A government bailout is not the answer. Bailouts erode market discipline, raising the likelihood of repeat episodes. And efforts to expand refinancing options will help only those borrowers who have enough equity to refinance.”

Interesting article from a year ago. Seems like Georgie and friends decided to make as much money as they could before they decided to go for the bailout plan. Maybe no one in the banking industry or in Georgie’s administration ever looks at the FDIC website….

There it is. The FDIC, the agency in charge of insuring bank deposits, saw what was coming and proposed a solution a year ago.

The writing’s on the wall

Want to dress up your drab walls? Handy with a Sharpie pen? Get doodling!

Man decorates basement with $10 worth of Sharpie

One has to wonder how a media outlet becomes aware of something like this. Well, having been in the news biz a long time ago I can tell you — somebody calls up and says, “I’ve got something (or done something) I think you’ll be interested in.” Yes, shameless self-promotion is the safe assumption. But, then, with this blog, who am I to talk?

Confidence Game

I’m concerned, listening to talk about the bailout bill, that even if approved it won’t help “the confidence of the markets.” These markets aren’t things, they’re people. The very same people who got themselves — and us — into trouble, are apparently looking for an iron-clad guarantee that everything will be all right. “Protect us from ourselves!” is what they’re really saying. These are the risk-taking masters of the universe? If Phil Gramm is looking for a bunch of whiners, I suggest he look to his buddies on Wall Street.

I don’t get why these debt-holding outfits can’t provide an accounting of exactly what percentage of the mortgages on their books is any good? We’re not getting any specifics. This is a huge gamble, and the big boys absolutely refuse to assume any of the risk, yet they demand their huge payouts. This story, for example, is beyond ridiculous.

WaMu CEO could get $13.65 million for 18 days work

How about just telling Alan Fishman no? Sorry, but no. You don’t get this money.

Connie Haines, 1922-2008

With the death of singer Connie Haines coming so soon after the passing of the extraordinary Jo Stafford, we are getting very close indeed to the end of the Big Band era. Like Doris Day, Haines got her start when she was only sixteen. Sharing the Tommy Dorsey spotlight with Jo didn’t sit well with Connie, as recounted in the Washington Post.

In her three years with Dorsey, Ms. Haines made several solo recordings, and she bristled a little when Jo Stafford, who died in July, was recalled as Dorsey’s “girl vocalist” during the time Ms. Haines was with the band. Ms. Haines would remind people that Stafford arrived in the band as a member of the Pied Pipers when Ms. Haines was the featured vocalist. Stafford emerged as a soloist later.

A well-known recording of Haines singing with Sinatra and the Tommy Dorsey band is “Oh, Look at me Now”.


Jensen! The dirty Dutchie with K3

K3’s popularity isn’t limited to Belgium, it extends all the way north into Holland! 😉 In the Netherlands there’s an obnoxious TV host named Robert Jensen. You’ll hear enough English in this chat to appreciate why Jensen somewhat resembles a Dutch Howard Stern, and why at the end the ladies appear increasingly uncomfortable.
[flv: 512 288]

Super K3

While awaiting the results of the MRI of my lower back, I shall cheer myself up with the lovably likeable ladies of K3. The Belgian beauties must not be confused with the Hungarian band K3. I don’t know who had the name first, but I know who should stop using it.

Studio 100 has done very well with Free Souffriau as Mega Mindy, so it only makes sense they’d give Karen, Kristel and Kathleen a shot at playing superheroes.

[flv: 450 360]

In this quickie video the girls strut their stuff live, in their more familiar go-go boots…

[flv: 440 330]

… and here’s a featurette about the making of a K3 video. I don’t have to tell you that’s Kristel Verbeke on the left, Kathleen Aerts in the middle and Karen Damen on the right… do I? 😉

[flv: 440 293](Does Karen have a tongue stud? Yikes! That’s hard core. Well, I guess I can deal with it.)

Being a fan of the Monkees — a topic I leave open for D.F. Rogers to indulge online someday — I’m intrigued by the idea that a Pop group can be assembled by audition, and achieve a synergy that’s as compelling as any ‘organically’ formed quartet or trio.

Because I don’t understand Flemish, I have to appreciate K3 for everything else they do well. Precisely because I don’t understand the words they’re almost abstract sounds, and they take on their own appealing quality.

Kristel Verbeke is the most beautiful woman in the world. (There, I said it!)

Kristel Verbeke with hubby and baby

K3 have been at this for ten years, and Kristel is married and has two children, yet they keep going, being silly into their 30’s. Perhaps that’s one of the benefits of being in Belgium, where their audience is relatively small, but loyal.

K3 Wallapper