Witch-free VP

Because I can’t go running anymore in the evening, I’m watching Keith Olbermann’s Countdown on MSNBC. Tonight he featured a startling video of Sarah Palin being prayed over for protection from witches at her church, the Assemblies of God. I got this copy from YouTube.

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2008/SEP/PalinWitch.flv 440 330]

Once again take note that when I was in college I sometimes attended an Assemblies of God church. Does this reflect mainstream America? I sincerely respect the faith that is held by an individual, but such extreme beliefs have no place in government, and I don’t trust Sarah Palin to keep her faith and her political power separate.

Depressing thought

Y’know, at some point my gut told me in his first term that if George W. were re-elected he would lead America into a depression. And not one word from him Wednesday night apologizing in any way that yet another world-shaking catastrophe is happening on his watch.

Anna Quindlen writes in Newsweek:

His party has been in power as the country has run aground, yet he and his people try to suggest that the same party with the same people and the same policies will somehow produce different results.

Did the foxes help write the henhouse bailout?

Something I haven’t heard yet is how much input bankers and brokers had in the drafting of the bank/insurance/brokerage bailout plan. For that matter, Henry Paulson came from Goldman Sachs, so that puts an element of doubt as to whose interests are really being served. Newsweek has a feature article on Paulson that I haven’t read yet. If there will be further foreclosures, thereby punishing the borrowers, will the big money boys be likewise made to feel some pain?

George W. is pushing for approval of the plan. Isn’t he the guy who said if we did what he wanted with taxes and the economy — which we did — everything would be great? Well, things didn’t turn out so well. So why should we believe him now? I’m very pleased to see so much bi-partisan push-back on the bailout, but I wish I were hearing a more realistic assessment of its pitfalls from Barney Frank.

Back in trouble for the first time

My running days are, I fear, behind me forever. For the first time I’m having back trouble, and it’s serious. It came on suddenly, with only a small warning sign a week prior. I was hoping the spasms were due to muscle strain, but the doctor says the most likely source is a pinched nerve in my spine.

This morning I was a cripple, but thanks to a pain med I’m now able to get around without crutches. I wish this were a stupid joke, but it’s all too real. I don’t want to get into all of the detail, but I wanted to tell you what’s going on.