Nursing a grudge

A hospital night nurse in Chicago, cuffed by a cop in the ER and detained in the back of his cruiser for 45 minutes.

Why? Because she insisted on following standard procedure. Now she’s suing the police department, and I’m sure the officer who grabbed her will insist that standard procedure be followed, before any disciplinary action is taken.

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More evil than Communism?

I’ve already said something about Michael Moore’s latest outraged assertion, that Capitalism is evil. One bit of confusion that many people, including George Bush, seem to have, is equating Capitalism with Democracy. China is proof that the former does not imply the latter.

The shout-downs against health care regulation at the so-called town hall meetings reminded me of Moore’s ambush tactics, except a lot less clever than driving an armored car to AIG and demanding the bailout money be given back to the American taxpayers. Moore was on The Colbert Report last night. Regardless of his politics, the man simply has to drop a hundred pounds.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Capitalism’s Enemy – Michael Moore
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Protests

John, Paul, George, Ringo, Peter, Paul, Mary… and Ed

My sister Jean pointed out a photograph I didn’t recall seeing before, of Peter, Paul, and (the recently departed) Mary with the Beatles. The date was April 17, 1964, and the place was a posh club in London called Les Ambassadeurs, where some scenes in “A Hard Day’s Night” were filmed.

It must have been a brief meeting, because the shooting schedule was so hectic that even Ed Sullivan was given the bum’s rush. An interview in the club’s garden that he filmed for his variety show lasted only a minute and a half. But for his trouble Sullivan was sent an exclusive preview clip of the movie, that didn’t make the final cut, of the Beatles performing “You Can’t Do That.” I posted it over a year ago, at this link.

Classical oldies in Boston

For all of my emphasis on Pop music, half of my CD collection is Classical. A few years ago, Boston’s commercial radio station with Classical music, WCRB, switched frequencies to a weaker signal to make way for a Country music station. Today there’s the news that the other Boston radio station with Classical music, non-commercial WGBH, is buying WCRB.

I don’t know what to make of this move. There’s no obvious logic behind it, except perhaps a strategy to consolidate Classical music on Boston’s airwaves to ensure its survival. It’s estimated that a successful Classical CD sells only about 5,000 copies. (The same is supposedly true of Blues and Jazz recordings.)

WGBH, which is one of the country’s premiere PBS TV stations, has been mismanaged for some years. It built an obnoxiously luxurious new studio with an ill-advised, and unreliable, giant TV that faces the Mass Pike. And now the overhead of financing and operating the new facility is dragging down WGBH. The radio station is the much smaller part of the organization, and it’s always had a mixed format that switches to Jazz in the evening, through the night.

If ‘GBH uses ‘CRB as its Classical music outlet, I’m not sure what it can do with its frequency, other than to try to expand its news offerings. But another public radio station, WBUR, which itself was mismanaged in the past, already has that covered.

With the underground station WBCN now gone, Boston radio is really in turmoil. Through all of this, the only station that I listen regularly, that keeps on keeping on, is WBZ-AM. And earlier this year ‘BZ made the huge mistake of letting go of overnight talk show host Steve LeVeille, then having to reverse that decision thanks to listener outrage.


Geoff Emerick with his Grammy for engineering “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”

Why all the talk these many years about “Sgt. Pepper” in mono? Here’s an A/B comparison. Both of these 90-second excerpts from “She’s Leaving Home” are in mono, but one of them is the original 1967 monaural mix from the new CD set, and the other has been folded into mono from the 1987 stereo CD.


1965 comic book predicted the iPhone

Denro visited today, which is always fun, bringing with him the new mono Beatles CD set. We listened to “Sgt. Pepper’s” and realized that mono is indeed the best way to hear the Lonely Heart’s Club Band. The experience really was as if we were hearing it almost for the first time.

I always expect Dennis to bring a stack of old comic books, and he didn’t disappoint. One story in particular caught my eye. Take a look at this drawing.

Gil Kane drew this picture of a smartphone in 1965! He really nailed it in every way. Very impressive.