They’re just trying to be friendly

BoingBoing’s Mean Monkey Mondays series ends today. I think the “Man’s Life” covers are the best, although this one doesn’t have any monkeys.

Denro asks, “Hey, is the brave guy trying to save the girl from the crazed turtles (snappers I assume!) or are the brave turtles trying to save the girl from the crazed guy with a knife?!?!?!?” What I’m wondering is if San Antonio is still the Texas home of love-happy girls. And if the woman on this other cover was torn apart by monkeys, how did she live to tell the tale? Maybe the parent who didn’t want her marrying the American with the knife had the monkeys attack her.

You’ll find some more “Man’s Life” covers, equally tasteful and informative, at this link. Some of the covers were painted by Norman Saunders, whose work I first saw in the 1966 Batman bubblegum card series that he did with Bob Powell.

Previously, Saunders and Powell were responsible for the infamous “Mars Attacks!” series, which was based on work by Wally Wood.

7 thoughts on “They’re just trying to be friendly”

  1. Good Lord! Worse than Weasels! “SIN HAPPY VACATIONISTS Are Overrunning Cape Cod!” Where’s my hunting knife? I must fight them off!

  2. They don’t call them “The Greatest Generation” for nothing! What a tough life they had! What a scary world it was! Thankfully, because of their bare-shirted bravery, we no longer need to fear crazed and vicious turtles, monkeys and weasels.

  3. I think the “Chewed to Bits by Giant Turtles” subtitle was meant to help decipher this all too cryptic picture…

    I just feel sorry for that woman who one month is attacked by monkeys and the next by turtles. Or perhaps her sister just inherited the blouse…

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