All aboard the Hard Day’s Night train.
Prue looked rather less pleased sitting next to Wilfred, than she did with John.
A tip o’ the Dog Rat toupee to Denro for pointing out this item. It explains what the object is on the back of the Beatles “Now and Then” single, and its surprising connection to the song.
Phone rings. It’s Paul, reminding me of this third song that was on the cassette tape with Real Love and Free As A Bird. He said, ‘The song, it’s called Now And Then.’ I’m standing there with the phone… looking at the clock that said, ‘Now And Then’, and I was sort of dumbfounded.
Prue is my ultimate Sixties “English Posh Bird,” but the most famous British model of the era was Twiggy.
Twiggy made a guest appearance in my buddy Bismo’s all-time favorite movie, The Blues Brothers.
This Pratt is locked on Prue, but another guy named Pratt, named Guy, recently spoke with Twigs.
We played this one at the radio station.