The Ultimate Play Room

A tip o’ the Dog Rat toupee to tastewar for catching a video tour, posted today, of Studio 2 at Abbey Road. The place was known as EMI studios when the Beatles were recording there. There’s a lot of tech talk about vintage gear.

Studio 2 is a huge room for pop music recording, and there’s discussion about the room’s acoustics. This early Beatles recording, engineered by Norman “Hurricane” Smith, is a good example of the effect of the room on the sound.

Snap-Happy Beatles

Prue says that Ringo was the “snap-happy” Beatle, taking pictures on the set of A Hard Day’s Night. He took this one of her.

Photo of Prue Bury by Ringo Starr

That was in March, 1964. Until that month it was Paul who had been the shutterbug.